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If your centre-assessed grades have been accepted without change, this service is not available.
Normally, if the moderator is not able to confirm the grades you submitted in your claim, you would agree improvements with your moderator as part of the original moderation process. This may mean resubmitting work at your next visit.
However, if you disagree with your moderator’s comments and are not able to resolve this during the original moderation process, you can request a service 3 post-results review of moderation.
This is a review of the original moderation sample to ensure that the required learning outcome and assessment criteria (Pass, Merit, Distinction) have been fairly, reliably and consistently applied.
This service is not available for individual candidates. Requests must be made by unit, for all candidates that were submitted in the same claim for the unit you wish to have reviewed.
The fee for a post-results review of moderation is provided in the fees list. Your centre will not be charged if the enquiry is upheld.
To request a review, please email the details including the claim number and unit number(s) to vq.reviewofresults@ocr.org.uk within three months of the date of moderation.
All applications will be acknowledged within seven working days.
The review of moderation will be carried out remotely or through a further visit, depending on the format and quantity of candidates’ work involved in the review.
For all reviews, the work reviewed must be the original sample that was moderated. It must also have been kept under secure conditions and not returned to candidates.
For remote reviews of moderation, you will be sent instructions on how to provide the work. You must provide the work within three working days of receiving the request. Failure to do this may delay the outcome of the review.
If a further visit is required, your moderator will contact you to arrange a convenient date for the review of moderation to be carried out.
You should expect to receive an outcome within 40 calendar days of OCR receiving the review request.
You will receive a report produced by the moderator providing feedback on the review. This feedback may be similar to that provided following the original moderation.