OCR homepage
We offer the following services:
If you are unsure which service you need, please see our guide:
To submit a request, please complete the online application form via Interchange. The form is available to use from results day.
Request Cambridge Technicals post-results services
Priority and non-priority access to scripts are free for Cambridge Technicals.
You can view all other post-results services fees in our fees list.
Scripts will be shared with you via a secure file-sharing system called 'Kiteworks' which allows us to share materials securely and efficiently.
When we receive your request, we'll add the script to a secure folder within Kiteworks. You'll then receive an email with a link to the location and login details. Please click and access your scripts as soon as you receive the link. You'll then be able to download them to your computer.
Scripts will be made available using the Candidate Review feature in Surpass.
With the Candidate Review feature a keycode will be provided for each candidate’s on-screen test along with a passcode. This will allow you (and/or your candidates) to view their marked on-screen test in a browser as a Review Test.
You will be able to view the marks awarded for each question (if attempted), the candidate’s response and, for Unit 2C, any annotations added by the examiner.
The access to scripts request service is not available for the Level 2 Digital Media Unit 2C and Level 3 Performing Arts Unit 2C Surpass projects.
For these units you will have uploaded completed work for your candidates to a Surpass project and will have kept a copy at your centre.
The results for these Unit 2C projects will be made available in the Results screen in Surpass. You'll be able to run various reports, including the candidate report which gives a breakdown of the percentage of marks achieved at each of the learning outcomes or mark levels for the candidate’s marked proposal.
We will only release script copies to centres under the following conditions:
Make sure both you and your staff are fully aware of these conditions. Centres must make candidates aware of the arrangements for access to scripts before candidates sit any examination to which the arrangements apply.