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We understand ensuring access to physical education for disabled or injured candidates can be challenging.
To support the guidance provided in the JCQ Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments, our aim is to provide additional details and advice to centres.
Two guiding principles underpin any consideration of reasonable adjustments or access arrangements:
Reasonable adjustments ensure disabled candidates are able to demonstrate their ability. However, any adjustments must not compromise the competence standards of the assessment and all candidates must be able to demonstrate practical skills.
If you wish to enter a candidate who will require reasonable adjustments for a physical education qualification you must contact us before the start, or at an early stage, of the course.
Once the course has begun, please carry out an initial assessment of your candidate(s) in their chosen sport(s) as soon as possible.
You may wish to use one of the following options:
British Swimming operates a functional classification system which has 15 categories (S1–S15). At A Level, by providing evidence of candidate attainment in a classification at local, regional or national level, and evidence of where their classification places them in the context of national performance, a judgement can be made about what mark on the existing performance tables their best performance is equivalent to.
If your candidate chooses to not apply for adaptations, and therefore has no sport they can be assessed in, it is not possible to award them marks for this part of the assessment.
If a candidate is injured part-way through their physical education course, two options are available:
In all cases, please contact the special requirements team as soon as possible to discuss access arrangements and reasonable adjustments.
If a candidate can’t complete practical activities because they are already injured or have long-term sickness, they cannot be awarded marks for this part, although it may be possible to grant an exemption from the practical assessment for disabled students or those with long-term injuries. Please refer to Chapter 5.17 of the JCQ publication Access arrangements and reasonable adjustments for further details, and contact the Special Requirements Team at srteam@ocr.org.uk if you have any additional queries.
If a candidate is injured after you have completed all their assessments, but they are unable to attend moderation, please submit their marks as normal. The moderator may ask for medical evidence, and you will be asked to provide a replacement candidate on the day of moderation.
In both instances, you do not need to submit an application for special consideration.