Geography fieldwork written statements: New online forms 25/03/2025 We've provided new online forms for GCSE, AS and A Level Geography.
Entry Level Certificate qualifications extended in Wales 01/10/2024 We have extended some of our Entry Level Certificate qualifications in Wales.
Guidance on awarding spelling, punctuation and grammar for GCSE Geography 03/09/2024 For GCSE Geography A and B J383/J384, we've provided guidance on awarding spelling punctuation and grammar (SPaG) in our sample assessment material.
Readability of question papers for GCSE Geography 19/03/2024 We're improving the readability of our question papers for GCSE Geography A and GCSE Geography B.
Updated submission options for general qualification NEA components 08/12/2023 For our general qualifications, we’ve amended the specifications with non-exam assessment (NEA) components as we’ve updated the submission process.
Adaptations removed from Entry Level qualifications reminder 04/09/2023 We remind you we've removed all 2021/22 adaptations from Entry Level qualifications.
Delivery guides and scheme of work builder update 05/06/2023 Our GCSE, AS and A Level delivery guides are now available on Teach Cambridge.
Amended Entry Level specifications 02/03/2023 We have amended the specifications for our Entry Level qualifications.
Summer 2022 adaptations for Entry Level qualifications 02/09/2021 We have published guidance on the adaptations of our Entry Level qualifications for 2022.
Autumn 2021 exam arrangements for GCSE and AS and A Level qualifications 09/08/2021 We have clarified the exam arrangements for GCSE and A Level qualifications in autumn 2021.