Update on OCR's 'Less Taught' Languages 18/05/2016 Withdrawal of OCR’s GCSE, AS and A Levels in ‘less taught’ languages: Biblical Hebrew, Dutch, Gujarati, Persian, Portuguese and Turkish
GCSE, AS and A Level French, German and Spanish 16/05/2016 Withdrawal of GCSE, AS and A Level French, German and Spanish
Level 1 and 2 Awards/Certificates in Bookkeeping Skills and Accounting Skills 16/05/2016 Extension of Level 1 and 2 Awards/Certificates in Bookkeeping Skills and Accounting Skills
AS/A Level Chemistry A and B and AS/A Level Physics A and B 13/05/2016 Despatch and distribution of AS/A Level Chemistry A and B Data Sheets and AS/A Level Physics A and B Formulae and Relationships Booklets
AS/A Level Chemistry A and Chemistry B (Salters) 01/05/2016 Safety amendment to PAG activity 5.3, oxidation of ethanol for AS/A Level Chemistry A (H032, H432) and Chemistry B (Salters) (H033, H433) (both from 2015)
Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services (09621–09626) (K/601/7355) 01/05/2016 Incorrect credit value in datasheet (Unit: Active support: lead interactive training K/601/7355)
Level 2 Award in Thinking and Reasoning Skills (J930) (QAN 500/5687/6) 01/05/2016 Withdrawal of Level 2 Award in Thinking and Reasoning Skills (J930) (QAN 500/5687/6)