Reminder: New diverse text options for September 2022 30/06/2022 We remind you we've made changes to the text options and poetry anthology in our GCSE English Literature specification (J352), for first teach September 2022.
New diverse texts for September 2023 30/06/2022 We're introducing new diverse texts options to component 02 of our AS and A Level English Language and Literature specifications (H074/H474), for first teach September 2023.
Updated OCR-set assignments for Cambridge National in Engineering Manufacture J823 (from 2022) 28/06/2022 For our redeveloped Cambridge National in Engineering Manufacture qualification, we've replaced the assignments for units R015 and R016.
November 2022 advance information 27/06/2022 To support student revision, we have published the advance information for our November 2022 assessments in GCSE English Language (J351) and GCSE Mathematics (J560).
Sample data sheets with symbol equations for GCSE Combined Science and GCSE Physics 24/06/2022 We’ve published sample data and equation sheets with symbol equations for the GCSE Combined Science (J250/J260) and GCSE Physics (J249/J259) specifications.
Reminder: Redevelopment of our Cambridge Nationals suite 22/06/2022 We remind you we're withdrawing our current Cambridge Nationals suite of qualifications.
Updates for Cambridge National in Engineering Design J822 09/06/2022 We've updated the specification and sample set assignment (R040) for our redeveloped Cambridge National in Engineering Design qualification.
Updates for Cambridge National in IT J836 30/05/2022 We've updated the specification and sample set assignments (R060 and R070) for our redeveloped Cambridge National in IT qualification.
Updates for Cambridge National in Child Development J809 27/05/2022 We've updated the specification and sample set assignment (R059) for our refreshed Cambridge National in Child Development qualification.
Updated specifications for redeveloped Cambridge Nationals 27/05/2022 We've updated the specifications for some of our redeveloped Cambridge Nationals qualifications.