Sample data sheets with symbol equations for GCSE Combined Science and GCSE Physics 24/06/2022 We’ve published sample data and equation sheets with symbol equations for the GCSE Combined Science (J250/J260) and GCSE Physics (J249/J259) specifications.
Reminder: Redevelopment of our Cambridge Nationals suite 22/06/2022 We remind you we're withdrawing our current Cambridge Nationals suite of qualifications.
Updates for Cambridge National in Engineering Design J822 09/06/2022 We've updated the specification and sample set assignment (R040) for our redeveloped Cambridge National in Engineering Design qualification.
Updates for Cambridge National in IT J836 30/05/2022 We've updated the specification and sample set assignments (R060 and R070) for our redeveloped Cambridge National in IT qualification.
Updates for Cambridge National in Child Development J809 27/05/2022 We've updated the specification and sample set assignment (R059) for our refreshed Cambridge National in Child Development qualification.
Updated specifications for redeveloped Cambridge Nationals 27/05/2022 We've updated the specifications for some of our redeveloped Cambridge Nationals qualifications.
Set texts for Latin and Classical Greek update 13/05/2022 We have updated the specifications for GCSE, AS and A Level Latin and Classical Greek to include the fourth cycle of set texts and topics.
Summer 2022 adaptations: Supporting you in GCSE Drama, AS and A Level Drama and Theatre 09/05/2022 As part of the summer 2022 adaptations, we can now confirm arrangements for submitting NEA for GCSE Drama and AS and A Level Drama and Theatre.
Entry Level Art and Design (R310) 29/04/2022 Important information regarding the moderation of candidates' work.
Summer 2022 advance information finder tool 28/04/2022 To support student revision, we have confirmed the advance information for our Summer 2022 assessments.