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OCR manages the National Centre Number (NCN) Register on behalf of the JCQ awarding bodies.
The NCN Register contains centre contact details which are used to send assessment materials and communications. The information is also sent to the DfE.
It is therefore essential the details we hold for your centre are correct – see below for the data we collect within the NCN Register.
To make sure your records on the NCN Register are up to date, each year the NCN team sends out two main update requests:
Amendments which need to be made later may be included on the updates, with the date when effective clearly specified.
Even if no amendments are required, you must still complete the updates. Failure to return the annual update may lead to your JCQ centre status being suspended and could lead to awarding bodies withdrawing their approval of your centre.
If your centre has moved to a new address or changed your secure storage, you must also return the JCQ ‘Are you ready?’ checklist, which is available to download from the JCQ website.
A five-digit number allocated to a centre when approved to offer qualifications. This will be the same number for all JCQ awarding bodies.
If your centre has a DfE registration number, please make sure it is correct. If your centre does not have a DfE registration number, please leave this field blank. Your DfE registration number is a seven-digit number – the first three digits identify your local authority. For example, 936 would indicate a centre based in Surrey. The last four digits identify your centre. If you are unsure of your local authority code, your local authority will be able to advise you.
The category code is a three-digit code which shows the type of centre, how your centre is funded and age range of your students. Please check each digit in your code. When you receive an update request, if any digit is incorrect, please provide all three digits of the amended code. If your school does not fit into a category, please use the most appropriate category type.
Nature of control or government funding
If the majority of students are of school age, use codes 0 to 6 or 8, not 9. If an adult education centre uses the associated school’s national centre number, please only enter the school’s age range.
Please note these are only examples.
The exam type indicator contains up to four letters which show which type of exams your centre offers. The codes are as follows:
Please check your code. If you have any changes to make (or there is no code), enter your full code on the update. For example:
‘Centre name’ field is the name by which the centre is officially known. If the name is longer than 35 characters, please use the ‘Centre name cont.’ field as well (maximum 30 characters).
If the centre name is longer than both ‘Centre name’ and ‘Centre name cont.’, please abbreviate the centre name as you would like it to appear.
‘Centre name’ (and ‘Centre name cont.’ if required) may be used as the centre name on certificates. If this is inappropriate, please contact the relevant awarding body directly.
Some awarding bodies use a ‘short name’ for administrative documents which gives the town name first. This should not be used or confused as the official title of your school/college. If you have any queries about this, please contact the relevant awarding body.
You must make sure your centre’s postal address is correct. You can verify your centre’s details using the Royal Mail postcode finder service. Incorrect address details may result in important assessment materials despatches being lost or delayed. Your address must be provided in the following format:
If your address is longer than this please advise how you wish the address to be abbreviated.
Two telephone numbers can be provided but they must be landline telephone numbers and not mobile numbers. Please make sure the number of the main office/switchboard is entered first, followed by the number for the exams office.
Please provide a contact email address for communications – this must be the email address of the person or team responsible for the administration of exams. Personal email addresses such as ‘yahoo’, ‘hotmail’ and ‘gmail’ are not acceptable. Note: If this is a shared email account, it must not be used to access awarding body secure websites.
Email is now used as the main communication method between awarding bodies and centres, so it is vital this email address is valid, checked regularly and kept up to date.
Only one email address can be held on the NCN Register.
This identifies the title of the person to whom exams and assessment correspondence should be addressed, e.g. Exams Officer. Up to 20 characters are available. Personal names must not be used.
We will also ask you to provide the name and email address of your head of centre. Their details will be held on file and shared with the other awarding bodies and we will use this to send the annual Head of Centre declaration survey.