Extra support for history teachers in 2020/21 21/08/2020 We’ve created this programme of ongoing support to help you prepare your students for success in 2021.
Change to the release date of the 2019 general and vocational question papers and mark schemes 29/04/2020 All general and vocational qualification June 2019 question papers, mark schemes, examiner and moderator reports will be kept on our secure website Interchange for longer.
Changes to the June 2020 A Level, GCSE and Cambridge Nationals timetables 07/11/2019 The June 2020 timetables for GCSE, Cambridge Nationals and A Levels have been updated.
Change to the release date of the 2019 AS Level question papers and mark schemes 01/11/2019 AS Level question papers and mark schemes will now be kept on our secure site, Interchange, until after the end of the following June examination series.
A Level History A: H505 20/09/2019 We have made changes to the carry forward component entry code Y100 for A Level History A: H505.
GCSE (9-1) History B: School History Project (J411) 20/09/2019 We have changed the instructions for submitting the site proposal form.
GCSE (9-1) Ancient History 18/07/2019 We have made some updates to the specification and sample assessment materials.
Securing the future of SHP history and smoothing the transition to new history GCSEs in 2016 25/09/2014