GCSE and Cambridge Nationals results day is here!
12 August 2021
The long wait is over and to all students receiving GCSE and Cambridge Nationals results today, congratulations on your great achievement.
There are over 250,000 students getting GCSE and over 125,000 students getting Cambridge Nationals results today. Despite all the disruptions of the last year, you carried on and finished your studies in the middle of a pandemic. We hope you can celebrate, enjoy the rest of your summer and start your new term at school or college in September just as you planned.
Here's a video message to you from our chief executive, Jill Duffy.
If you have any questions about your results, we've provided information and guidance online but please talk to your teachers first as they are best placed to advise on your options.
Today would not be possible without the enormous efforts of teachers, exams officers and everyone in schools this year. We are so grateful for the amazing hard work you have done so your students can achieve grades this summer. And lastly, our thanks too to families who have supported students through a challenging time.