Level 3 FSMQ: Additional Mathematics – formulae sheets and support for the summer exam
06 January 2025
Steven Walker, Maths Subject Advisor

This blog was originally published on 18 September 2023 and has been updated following the announcement that candidates will again have an extra formulae sheet in the 2025 exam.
The Department for Education (DfE) and Ofqual have confirmed that formulae sheets will be provided for GCSE Mathematics in 2025, 2026 and 2027 (subject update 4 December 2024). Since the majority of FSMQ students sit this alongside the GCSE Higher Tier Maths in the same summer series, OCR will provide the same Higher Tier Maths formulae sheet in the Level 3 FSMQ: Additional Maths exam since this is assumed knowledge. This means that in 2025 students will need to refer to two formulae sheet in the exam (as in 2022. 2023 and 2024).
The standard FSMQ formulae sheet
The FSMQ’s standard formulae sheet is given to students on the inside front cover of the exam paper.
It includes the binomial series expansion, to support students with questions focused on the expansion of polynomials in the form (a + b)n , where n is a positive integer. This also links to the binomial distribution for using this relationship in probability questions.
The trapezium rule is given for questions investigating the area under a curve, where students might not know an appropriate integration technique to reach a solution.
Also included are the kinematics formulae for both variable and constant acceleration situations (these were added to the standard formulae sheet for exams after 2019).
To see the standard formulae sheet, look at page 2 of the sample paper.
The extra FSMQ formulae sheet
The list of assumed knowledge formulae for Higher Tier GCSE (9–1) Mathematics is also assumed for the FSMQ. This was provided in the 2022, 2023 and 2024 exam series as part of the Covid mitigation support, and now confirmed for 2025, 2026 and 2027. This extra formulae sheet is available to download from the assessment tab on the OCR website, or from the question paper section on Teach Cambridge, and students may find the sheet useful whilst studying the course.
It includes:
- several perimeter, area and volume formulae
- the quadratic formula
- Pythagoras’ Theorem and trigonometry formulae
- the compound interest formula
- probability formulae.
To see the extra formulae, look at the 2025 – June series Formulae sheet
Other formulae not given
Students are also expected to be confident with the perimeter, area and volume formulae that are introduced in key stage 2 (e.g. for rectangles, triangles, cuboids).
There are also some specific formulae introduced in the FSMQ specification that students are expected to know:
- how to find the distance between two points on a line,
- how to find the mid-point of a line segment, and
- how to find the general equation of a circle centred around any point on a cartesian grid.
The FSMQ also extends GCSE knowledge of the laws of indices to introduce the laws of logarithms and their use in modelling contexts.
How to make the most of the formulae sheets
It is important for students to know which formulae are given and how to use them. In addition to the Check In tests focused on each of the seven sections of the specification, you will also find another two which focus on using formulae from both the formulae sheet and those that must be memorised.
When answering questions in the exam, it is good practice to write the formula to be used first, before substituting in values. This helps to ensure the formula is copied from the formulae sheet correctly without errors, before proceeding.
Finally, remind students that even if they can recall a specific formula from memory, the formulae sheet is there to help them; it is always worth quickly checking a formula against the sheet, just to ensure they haven’t introduced an error.
For more ideas, please see our FSMQ Formulae sheet top tips resource!
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If you are teaching (or are considering teaching) the FSMQ then join us for our Spring Teacher Network on 6 March 4 – 4:45pm free webinar.
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About the author
Steven originally studied Engineering, but took an extended period to work and travel overseas before training to be a teacher. He taught secondary maths in England and overseas before joining OCR in July 2014 during the period of major qualification reform. Steven has worked on the full OCR maths suite, but now mainly focuses on the Level 3 qualifications.
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