Vocational qualifications arrangements for 2021 (excluding Cambridge Nationals and Cambridge Technicals)
07 April 2021
The information below has been updated with the following subject information updates (both published on 23 April 2021):
We have updated our guidance for vocational qualifications (excluding Cambridge Nationals and Cambridge Technicals) following two consultations on the arrangements for assessment and awarding of VTQs in 2020-21:
- On 25 February 2021, the Department for Education (England) and Ofqual published the outcome to their joint consultation on arrangements for assessment and awarding of VTQs in 2021.
- On 24 March 2021 Ofqual published the outcome of its consultation on a VTQ Contingency Regulatory Framework (VCRF).
Each VTQ will be placed in a category and each category will have a different approach to awarding in 2021. We have provided information on the categories our qualifications fall under below:
Category A
Category A is for VTQs that assess occupational or professional competency, proficiency, or act as a licence to practise, where it would not be safe to award these qualifications using alternative evidence, such as teachers’ judgement. Results will be issued on the basis of evidence from exams and other assessments. We can continue to use adaptations and consider further adaptations where necessary, to assist with the ongoing impact of the disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
Existing adaptions continue for the qualifications below:
We are applying further adaptions for:
- Administration (Business Professional)
- More opportunities for cross-referencing. This has been added to the guidance and is highlighted.
- For Levels 1 to 3 only we will streamline assessment. This means we are looking at the amount of assessment needed to award a qualification. We will provide more detail on what streamlining assessment means in the week beginning 19 April.
- IT User Skills (ITQ)
- We will streamline assessment. This means we are looking at the amount of assessment needed to award a qualification. We will provide more detail on what streamlining assessment means in the week beginning 19 April.
- The summer 2020 adaptation to complete specific CLAiT assessments from home has been reinstated.
Assessment continues without adaptations:
Category B
Category B has different approaches to awarding but the common factor across these qualifications is that results may be determined using alternative approaches to awarding, including the use of teacher assessed grades (TAGs). This is because the issue of results to learners for these qualifications must be prioritised even where exams and internal assessments do not take place. Category B has two sub-groups, B1 and B2, that have different approaches.
The qualifications listed below are in Category B1:
Some centres will deliver these qualifications across the same academic timeline as a GCSE. This is to enable students to achieve an alternative qualification over the same timeline as a GCSE. The ongoing disruption caused by the pandemic may impact student’s ability to complete sufficient units to achieve a qualification by the end of the year.
Adult learners who take these qualifications may have a greater benefit from the experience of taking the assessment to help with progression into employment.
Exams and moderation will continue to be available. Centres should continue to deliver teaching and learning. We encourage you to continue to complete and submit units for assessment and to consider a TAG as a last resort, if assessment cannot be completed.
When assessment cannot be completed, a unit-level TAG is available for units due to be completed between 01 August 2020 and 31 August 2021. Unit TAGs are available to students certificating this summer and those certificating after this summer.
The qualifications listed below are in Category B2:
If you have any queries, please call our Customer Support Centre on 01223 553998 or email us at support@ocr.org.uk.