June 2025: A Level Chemistry B H433/02 advance notice article
21 March 2025
There was a small error in the advance notice article for component H433/02 Scientific literacy in chemistry, which was published on the OCR website and Teach Cambridge on 13 March.
On page 3, in the first paragraph, in the second sentence we stated 'typically graphite as the positive electrodes and metal oxides as the negative electrodes'.
We have corrected this, so the sentence now reads:
- Li-ion cells use intercalated-lithium compounds as the electrode materials, which are typically graphite as the negative electrodes and metal oxides as the positive electrodes.
You can view and download the corrected advance notice article from the A Level Chemistry B qualification page on our website and on Teach Cambridge.
We've also corrected the hard copy version of the article, which is to be used with the question paper on the day of the examination, Monday 16 June 2025 – Morning.
Please make sure you share the latest version of the advance notice article with your students.
We're very sorry for this error and the additional work it causes you.
If you have any queries about this update, please call our Customer Support Centre on 01223 553998 or email support@ocr.org.uk.