Ofqual reviews moderation and verification
26 February 2019
Ofqual has published a consultation on proposed changes to the way awarding organisations manage and oversee centre assessments. These changes are intended to ensure that appropriate controls are in place so that standards are consistent, whenever and wherever an assessment is taken.
The consultation recognises that centre assessment is central to the way many different qualifications function, and does not look to end it. Instead, it proposes to:
- Clarify the existing definition of moderation, and provide a new, separate definition for verification
- Require Awarding Organisations to produce centre assurance strategies that explain how their centre assessment arrangements work
- Set minimum requirements in certain qualifications
- Set minimum requirements for Awarding Organisation verification processes, including a minimum of two monitoring visits and an additional unannounced visit per centre every year.
A summary of the proposals is available on the Ofqual website.